
Would you like to donate supplies?

Shelter Supplies Wishlist


Call us at:
(435) 792-3920


Mon-Thurs 10am - 6pm
Fri-Sat 12pm - 5pm


2370 W 200 N
Logan, UT 84321

We welcome all donations at Cache Humane Society! Help shelter animals by donating much needed supplies. We have created a wishlist of items we use every day to care for homeless pets! We are grateful for every donation, regardless of size or brand. Check out our wishlist options below!


Online Wishlists

Don’t have time to go to the store? No problem! We have an Amazon Wishlist and Walmart Registry that ship directly to Cache Humane to make giving a breeze!

Our Amazon and Walmart Wishlists are full of tasty treats, fun toys, and basic cleaning supplies that keep our facility running smoothly. All items ship directly to Cache Humane Society and directly help homeless pets.

Whichever you prefer, you can view what our shelter animals need by clicking below!

Supply Drives

If you are looking to host a supply drive to collect supplies for homeless pets, you can print and distribute this wishlist sheet below! Many love to host drives for birthday parties, family reunion, and community events. For any supplies you have collected, you can bring them to the shelter during our open hours. No donation is too big or too small! 

Cache Humane Society also accepts blankets, towels or used pet supplies.

Interested in hosting a Supply Drive to help homeless animals?  Contact us at volunteer@cachehumane.org for more details.

If you are a business or organization who can donate a large number of these items, please contact us at operations@cachehumane.org

Fundraising Events

Want to raise money for Cache Humane Society by baking cookies for cats, bathing all the neighborhood dogs, or simply hosting a fundraiser of your own? Use this flyer to send donations directly to Cache Humane.

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